Here's to you, Frank

Here's to you, Frank
Photo by Stanislav Ivanitskiy / Unsplash

I'm interrupting regular programing to give homage to my beloved father-in-law who died this week.

To say Frank Perrine was special is a severe understatement.

He was known - and loved - by thousands but made a person feel like the most important person in the world when he spoke to them.

Frank was deeply curious - about the world, people, the meaning of life - and he approached everything he did and everyone he talked to with the same level of curiosity.

He was a bright light who lit everyone up in his glow.

He was also incredibly generous. With his time, affection, energy - and most importantly with his love. He loved openly and loudly and unapologetically. He wept easily, laughed often.

I learned more about my children when Frank spoke with them.

I learned that showing up grounded in love - even when it's messy - is a deeply fulfilling way to live.

And I learned what a gift curiosity is - from being on the receiving end of Frank's genuine questions, from watching others grow under his warm focus, and from listening to his own stories (he was a terrific, prolific storyteller).

Frank's wife, Laura, and his children (Charlotte, Katherine, and my husband Bill) were the most generous of all. They didn't try to contain Frank or keep him all to themselves. They shared him graciously and let all of us who knew Frank feel like he belonged to us as well.

Here's to you old pal, old friend. ❤️

Frank (left) and my father. Two of the best men I know. Humble giants. And funny as hell.