Words of Wisdom and a Little Bit of Luck

Words of Wisdom and a Little Bit of Luck
England from above. Photo by Anne Roche.

On my way to the airport a few months ago, I had a wise and relaxed Uber driver. I asked him how he stayed calm while driving.

He said when people were driving too fast or dangerously, or when passengers were challenging, he repeated this to himself:

"I don't want to be part of their story.”

He said he had a choice when people were stressed out - he could either be a part of their story or stay in his own.

Oof - I felt those words deep. I mulled them over as we chatted together for the remainder of the trip.

After he dropped me off, I was stunned to discover I’d forgotten my passport. I’ve never forgotten my passport. Ever. I pride myself on being organized and prepared. I couldn't believe I found myself in this position.

As my panic rose, I thought of who I could call. Who was close to my home, could retrieve my passport, and bring it to me at the airport? All within an hour and a half?

And then I remembered the Uber driver. I could drop my stress onto everyone I knew or I could be focused and strategic.

I don’t want to be part of their story.

Yes, I forgot my passport.

I don’t want to be part of their story.

But so many other things went right:

  • I stayed calm.
  • I thought of 3 people I knew could help solve my problem (either directly or indirectly) and reached out quickly, conveying information efficiently.
  • My son had a friend who happened to be home from college, near my house, and willing to run my passport to the airport.
  • I went to the desk at British Airways to let them know I was waiting on my passport and they conveyed the message to the gate.
  • My son’s friend made it in time and barely stopped the car as he handed me my passport.
  • I packed light with no checked bags allowing me to sail right through security.
  • The flight departed from the lounge filled with food and water, giving me a chance to bring snacks on board despite being late to the gate.

I didn’t want to be part of that other story. The one where I showed up frustrated and frazzled.

I boarded the plane stunned and grateful. Without the Uber driver’s words in my heart, I might not have made it to England at all.

The Cotswold District in England - if you haven't been, I highly recommend going in May! Photo by Anne Roche